=============== Installing ESEm =============== Using PyPi ========== It is straightforward to install esem using pip, this will automatically include tensorflow (with GPU support):: $ pip install esem Optionally also install GPFlow, keras or scikit-learn :: $ pip install esem[gpflow] Or :: $ pip install esem[gpflow,keras,scikit-learn] Using conda =========== In order to make the most of the support for `Iris `_ and `CIS `_ creating a specific conda environment is recommended. If you don't already have conda, you must first download and install it. Anaconda is a free conda package that includes Python and many common scientific and data analysis libraries, and is available `here `_. Further documentation on using Anaconda and the features it provides can be found at http://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/index.html. Having installed (mini-) conda - and ideally within a fresh environment - you can easily install CIS (and Iris) with the following command:: $ conda install -c conda-forge cis It is then straightforward to install esem in to this environment using pip as above. Dependencies ============ If you choose to install the dependencies yourself, use the following command to check the required dependencies are present:: $ python setup.py checkdep